Monday, April 4, 2022

Lets Talk: Elon Musk buys into Twitter; Donald Trump, Madison Cawthorn

When it comes to Republican and right wing politics it has become less of facts and more of muddying the waters.  Elon Musk has bought 9% of Twitter which has every right winger claiming that change is coming that Twitter will now stop "canceling" conservatives.  Whoa there cowboy, its 9% a very minority share.  Although Twitters shares rose by 24% on opening its more on his name and brand rather than what he is going to do for the company.  Twitter is NOT canceling conservatives or conservative points of view.  Want Twitter to stop banning folks?  Don't say stupid shit.  I can go on Twitter and tell someone to " go fuck yourself" and not be banned.  Conservatives go on there and say "Go fuck yourself" and they get banned.  Why?  Because they follow up with some stupid shit.  That's why people get banned from Twitter.  You don't get banned from Twitter for being the shining pinnacle of humanity; you get banned for being an asshole.

Now, onto Donald Trump.  Why are the press taking this dumb shit seriously anymore?  Raise your hand if you are surprised he asked Putin for dirt on Hunter Biden?  I'm not.  Donald Trump is the epitome of the Republican party.  Right now the Republican Party their MO is say the stupidest and most god awful shit.  Then they wait for the public outcry.  If the public outcry is positive, they double and triple down on it full steam ahead.  If the public outcry is negative they back track and say they misunderstood the question, the reporter took the answer out of context, and fake news.  They do this because they have no policy.  They have no path forward.  All they have are slogans and bullshit.  The current Republican party wants power.  They don't give a damn about their constituents.  They don't give a damn how deep in debt our country goes.  That is why Donald Trump is their current messiah.  Donald Trump can get on a stage and say the most cringe-worthy shit and he gets cheered by his supporters.  The bad part about it is the GOP is so stupid that they don't know if you take any other Republican politician and let them say the EXACT same thing and get their supporters lined up behind their preferred candidate.  Then GOP politicians don't have to go into the Denny's bathroom and bitch in private about Donald Trump.  Most common sense Republicans know they aren't getting a wall.  They know 90% of what Donald Trump says is bullshit.  You only have that 10% of STRONG backing from what I call the Progressives (or should we call them The Regressive's) of the fringe right who actually believe this stuff.  Donald Trump does not hate CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, or the Washington Post.  Why should he?  These "fake news" outlets as he calls them give him millions of dollars of free advertising and campaign material.  He knows the more outrageous and cringe-worthy, the more attention they give him.  They helped him get elected.  Everyone was so "Russia helped Donald Trump" and they did on Social Media but our own mainstream media did more to help Donald Trump get elected than what the GOP did and more than what Russia did because what they put out to spark outrage had the opposite effect.  Take away the coverage and what do you have?

Now, lets get on to Madison Cawthorn.  Right now Madison is my favorite conservative.  I'm one of his constituents and I'm telling you right now, if Madison is on the ballot this November he has my vote.  Why?  Because he finally told the truth.  How do I know he told the truth?  The GOP red line did not end at insurrection.  The GOP red line did not end at that bat shit crazy lady speaking at a neo-nazi convention.  The GOP red line ended at Madison speaking up about the cocaine fueled GOP orgies.  That's when wannabe speaker McCarthy (Sorry Kevin I would rather have Marjorie Taylor Greene be speaker than YOU; you spineless, whimpering and pathetic ass) decided that the line was drawn.  That's how I know Madison was telling the truth.  I know he came out and said he was exaggerating but no I think the GOP masters that be; Spineless McCarthy and Dan Cringeshaw, were more pissed because he took that gold nugget of truth and made it public and he embarrassed them.  For that, and his deep candor alone I'm a Cawthorn superfan.