Thursday, April 7, 2022

Russian Collusion?? or a Russian Hoax??

Back in 2016, news started to surface about possible Russian collusion as a reason why Trump won the election.  So when people ask me the question of; Did Russia interfere with the 2016 election and are they still trying to interfere with our elections?  My answer is always, OF COURSE they did and they are.

Now, are they hacking voting machines or shipping in boxes and boxes of fake ballots?  No.  But they do have a HUGE bot farm that spans across Twitter, Facebook and YouTube posting bullshit tweets, disinformation and fact challenged videos.  If you see a video on YouTube that has a robotic voice.  More than likely, not real information.  Twitter and YouTube have done a great job getting rid of false content and shutting down accounts.  Zuckerberg is a Trump fanatic so he still allows false and misleading information to be thrown all over Facebook and his "metaverse" so there ya go.  

When these concerns were raised Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller was put in charge of an inquiry to find out if Russia did indeed interfere with the 2016 election.  From his reporting and grand jury indictments you can say there was a there-there.  But what did Muellers investigation conclude?  The question of collusion was never quite answered and left it up to your own conclusions.  There were 34 guilty pleas during the course of that case and he did not exonerate Trump from "obstruction of justice"  Trump did in fact obstruct but he was never indicted or penalized for it because of the DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted.  But the Mueller report did conclude that there was massive interference from Russia during the 2016 election and that that interference would in fact continue.  

So why did the left start pushing this issue of collusion?  What prompted the rumors?  The highly questionable Steele Dossier started the whole thing.  While a lot of that is questionable some of it is believable especially from what we have heard from McDougal and Daniels regarding the ex-Presidents sexual appetite, but there is NO hard evidence the ex-President likes for prostitutes to urinate on him.  But when it came to the question of Russian Collusion, Trumps biggest enemy was himself.  His campaign staff and transition team all LIED about meeting with Russian oligarchs and Russian diplomats.  They ALL lied and they were caught.  They didn't disclose the ex-Presidents son's meeting with Russian agents in Trump tower.  If the Trump Campaign and transition team had come straight out and said, "Look we were meeting with Russian officials because we wanted to open up diplomatic relations."  I don't think ANYONE would have batted an eyelash because that's reasonable and it is expected to have some sort of relations even with people your country disagree's with.  But instead of coming clean the Trump playbook was lie and deny even to Federal Law Enforcement which is in fact a crime.  Now, in 2022 its being questioned AGAIN because Trump asked Putin for dirt on Hunter Biden and the Biden family.  Which is in fact the very definition of collusion.  Russia has called Trump a "partner" and that they "need to help their partner Trump again to become US President."  Now, some members of the GOP say their wording is because they don't speak English.  That's bullshit.  Draw your own reasonable conclusions people.

So when right wing pundits and supporters say that Russia interfering in the 2016 elections was a hoax, it is safe for you to call bullshit and move on with your life.  Their continued denial of reality is either willful ignorance, being a useful idiot for Russia or just plain old stupidity and they would rather have their heads in the sand.