Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Why Progressives Are Not Winning

 The far-left progressive wing of the Democratic Party is a curious one.  With an insurrection behind us, and with the Republicans going so far to the right as to openly display racist tendencies and acting more like the Imperial Empire every day. ANY Democrat should seem to be the better choice, right?  No.  They aren't.

Progressives have a real problem.  With progressive pundits now going after more moderate Democrats i.e., don't vote blue, both parties are the same and "Feel it in your bones the Democrats don't care about you" they are doing more right now to suppress the Democrat voters than the GOP ever could hope for.  With Rhetoric from progressive pundits like The Young Turks it leaves one scratching their heads wondering if they are really Democrats or if they are an arm of the right wing.  I personally would love to know if any conservative super-pacs are giving them money.  But we are not here to launch salvos against progressives lets dig into why they aren't winning their primaries or general elections.

Progressives when they launch these candidates and try to garner support for them, they seem to enjoy putting them in districts where their defeat is almost assured.  Then when they lose their primary, they blame the Democrats.  "How dare you not vote for them!!!"  "Why are you voting for a moderate???"  "The Democratic party doesn't like us!!!" "The Democratic Party is garbage!!!!" Blah blah and more blah.  The truth is that while their policies and agendas are perfectly fine and I myself back many of the progressive policies that have been put up the answer is; its is not the Democrat party, its progressives.

You cannot run a Progressive's in districts where the voters feel like they have nothing in common with the person.  For example, you cant run a progressive in the deep south like Alabama and Mississippi. They will never win.  Southerners love their religion and they love their guns.  You cannot run an atheist gun-hater and expect them to do well.  They wont.  If you have a moderate Democrat who shares the voters values that's who the Democratic Party is going to support and for good reason.  If you nominate a gun carrying, bible thumping Democrat (Yes, they do exist) that is who the Democratic Party is going to support. That is who they are going to put their money behind.  That moderate Democrat shares the values of those voters and there is more of a chance of success than there would be nominating an atheist gun-hater.  The problem with progressives is that they want to nominate and throw their weight behind candidates without doing the due diligence of finding out what values the voters have and would rather just throw someone out there who shares in THEIR values.  These progressive pundits DO NOT LIVE in the districts where these candidates are running.  Its the equivalent of taking a blind man who has lived in his 1 bedroom apartment for 40 years and can tell you where everything is and throwing them into a 7 bedroom mansion.  Its a recipe for disaster.

Nina Turner lost.  While I love Nina and think Nina would make a remarkable congresswoman, she lost to the incumbent. Nina lost not because she is incapable.  Nina Turner lost because voters had the choice of the incumbent whom they know, who has a history, and of course the Democratic party supported the incumbent because there is MORE of a chance of success with them than someone who the voters don't know and who doesn't share their values.  If Nina had run in a district where progressive policy is the norm, such as Oregon and even San Francisco Nina would have won by a landslide because in Oregon and California Progressives do much better.

Progressives have a problem.  One is the rhetoric and the bullshit they pull when they don't get their way.  They want their wing of the party to grow.  That is fine and it is doable.  But there has to be more strategy, more regional due diligence, and less throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks.

Monday, April 18, 2022

A tale of a self own: Greg Abbott's border sabotage


So Im sure you guys heard about it already.  It was all over the news and if you live in Texas it was pretty evident what was going on.  So king clown GOP governor, Greg Abbott, put on a big show.  Operation Lone Star where he deployed Texas National Guard soldiers to the border.  Why?  for a fiasco, a political stunt to make Democrats look bad but there was only one ass here.

Not only did the National Guard Troops chew him out for the deplorable conditions at the border and also for a very unclear mission.  But his orders included extra inspections on commercial vehicles entering Texas and truck drivers were stuck at the border for over 30 hours.  Hungry, Tired and those hauling perishables may see their freight spoiled upon reaching their destination.  Costing Texas and the US millions of dollars.

BUUUUT, it does not stop there.  The HDIC (Head Deplorable In Charge) also decided to send a bus full of illegal, undocumented immigrants to Washington DC as a political "statement" which in a way was helpful.  No, it wasn't helpful to Texas or the US because most of these people would have wound up in Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina anyway so I'm sure they are thankful for the free ride.  Mr.  Governor if you are going to waste tax payers money why dont you put it to good use.  Send everyone in your state a stimulus check, feed the homeless, or help with housing.  You know, something useful.  

Anyway, what was this all for?  Owning the libs.  Im sure someone came to him and thought it was funny,  It wasn't.  He wanted to manufacturer a border crisis to try and make Democrats look bad but he was the one who wound up with egg on his face.  Both acts were incredibly stupid.  For one, the intense inspections which caused a bunch of delays and cost these truck drivers time.  Most truckers are paid by the freight, they are NOT paid by the hour.  So not only did he introduce these truckers to their OWN financial hardships but he also cost everyone.  Then with this bus full of immigrants, I hope he vetted them.  Because the last thing I think Gregory wants is to knowingly send just ANYONE to the nations capital.

So what can Texans do?  Vote for Beto.  Look O'Rourke may have his own issues and while I think overly optimistic is one of them at least he isn't brain dead.  I mean Jesus Christ.  Dude, stop trying to out Trump everyone else in the GOP.  This little stunt just shows me Abbott is incapable of independent thought.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Russian Collusion?? or a Russian Hoax??

Back in 2016, news started to surface about possible Russian collusion as a reason why Trump won the election.  So when people ask me the question of; Did Russia interfere with the 2016 election and are they still trying to interfere with our elections?  My answer is always, OF COURSE they did and they are.

Now, are they hacking voting machines or shipping in boxes and boxes of fake ballots?  No.  But they do have a HUGE bot farm that spans across Twitter, Facebook and YouTube posting bullshit tweets, disinformation and fact challenged videos.  If you see a video on YouTube that has a robotic voice.  More than likely, not real information.  Twitter and YouTube have done a great job getting rid of false content and shutting down accounts.  Zuckerberg is a Trump fanatic so he still allows false and misleading information to be thrown all over Facebook and his "metaverse" so there ya go.  

When these concerns were raised Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller was put in charge of an inquiry to find out if Russia did indeed interfere with the 2016 election.  From his reporting and grand jury indictments you can say there was a there-there.  But what did Muellers investigation conclude?  The question of collusion was never quite answered and left it up to your own conclusions.  There were 34 guilty pleas during the course of that case and he did not exonerate Trump from "obstruction of justice"  Trump did in fact obstruct but he was never indicted or penalized for it because of the DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted.  But the Mueller report did conclude that there was massive interference from Russia during the 2016 election and that that interference would in fact continue.  

So why did the left start pushing this issue of collusion?  What prompted the rumors?  The highly questionable Steele Dossier started the whole thing.  While a lot of that is questionable some of it is believable especially from what we have heard from McDougal and Daniels regarding the ex-Presidents sexual appetite, but there is NO hard evidence the ex-President likes for prostitutes to urinate on him.  But when it came to the question of Russian Collusion, Trumps biggest enemy was himself.  His campaign staff and transition team all LIED about meeting with Russian oligarchs and Russian diplomats.  They ALL lied and they were caught.  They didn't disclose the ex-Presidents son's meeting with Russian agents in Trump tower.  If the Trump Campaign and transition team had come straight out and said, "Look we were meeting with Russian officials because we wanted to open up diplomatic relations."  I don't think ANYONE would have batted an eyelash because that's reasonable and it is expected to have some sort of relations even with people your country disagree's with.  But instead of coming clean the Trump playbook was lie and deny even to Federal Law Enforcement which is in fact a crime.  Now, in 2022 its being questioned AGAIN because Trump asked Putin for dirt on Hunter Biden and the Biden family.  Which is in fact the very definition of collusion.  Russia has called Trump a "partner" and that they "need to help their partner Trump again to become US President."  Now, some members of the GOP say their wording is because they don't speak English.  That's bullshit.  Draw your own reasonable conclusions people.

So when right wing pundits and supporters say that Russia interfering in the 2016 elections was a hoax, it is safe for you to call bullshit and move on with your life.  Their continued denial of reality is either willful ignorance, being a useful idiot for Russia or just plain old stupidity and they would rather have their heads in the sand.  

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Why the Republican Party has forced me to vote Democrat

I have had several e-mails from people saying "Roberto, why aren't you going after the Democrats?  You are picking on Republicans but you say you don't affiliate with any party and you are politically offensive" That time will come but lets go ahead and talk about why the Republican Party has forced me to vote Democrat.

I have always voted more conservative than liberal.  I'm more socially liberal and fiscally conservative.  I believe women should make their own choices when it comes to their bodies and gay people should be allowed to marry and spend the rest of their lives with whomever they wish.  I believe whoever wants to own a firearm should be allowed to as long as they aren't severely mentally ill or a criminal and I believe we waste too much goddamn money.  Why do we have 6 agencies that do the same thing? I noticed the change in the GOP starting in about 2004 and it was a change I didn't like.

In 2004 I noticed some rumblings.  I started hearing crazy shit from the GOP supporters and I like most others said "Its just a fringe part of the GOP not anything to take seriously"  In 2008 it got worse.  I was fully prepared to vote for John McCain.  He was a man of integrity.  He was a man of honor and then his VP pick came along.  Bat shit crazy Sarah Palin.  Oh geez.  I didn't vote for John McCain because of Sarah Palin.  That was my deal breaker.  So I said to myself.  I don't really like Barack Obama.  His ideas were pie in the sky, unachievable, and too liberal for my blood.  But, I said at least he is sane.  So I voted for Barack and when 2012 came along I voted for Barack again and I did that because Mitt Romney is a moron.  I liked Paul Ryan but Mitt Romney IMO was trying to solve problems that just weren't there.  Voting for Mitt Romney was simply a vote because you didn't like Barack Obama.  It had nothing to do with policy, it had nothing to do where the country was headed.  It was simply a referendum on Barack.  I was happy with Obama and I voted for him, and I'm proud I voted for Obama.  Everywhere else I voted Republican.  I voted for Pat McCrory for governor of NC, I voted for Thom Tillis in NC when that election came along.  Then came 2016.  Donald J Trump.

I always said America needed to be run like a business so I had SUPER high hopes for Trump.  I said to myself "This guy will be like Ronald Reagan, its going to be great."  Donald Trump had charisma and seemed like a natural born leader.  It felt like we had someone who was going to bring about real change for the good of the country.  Then he started talking and that ended.  My hopes were crushed.  But he won, and I had known Trump was a life long Democrat so I figured oh well, when he gets into office he may side with the Democrats and that will be that.  The whole time I said Trump was a one term president.  I figured he just used the Republican party to get into office and I concluded if he got too fucking wacky the GOP would drop him.  Boy was I wrong.

Here we come to crazy town.  So, while Im not 100% on the side of liberals and progressives; right now they are simply the only party that wants to uphold the constitution and protect democracy.  Full stop.  Why am I not attacking Dems?  What have they done?  Are they the ones voting against an insulin price cap?  Nope.  The Republican party right now is asking its supporters and everyone.  You must choose.  You must choose between paying your bills or your medicine.  You must choose between food or your medicine.  Are Democrats the ones voting against decriminalizing Marijuana?  Nope.  The GOP doesn't like the idea of decriminalizing because they are worried.  They are worried that the people who get their criminal records expunged will vote Democrat.  Are the Democrats praising Putin who invaded a free people and independent country?  Nope.  Are the Democrats being plastered all over Russian TV helping spread Putins propaganda?  Nope.  Is Putin calling the Democrats partners? Nope.  Are the Democrats the ones who tried to overthrow the government on January 6, 2021 in a coup?  Nope.  Are the Democrats trying to take away voting rights and bringing bills that will hinder the right to vote?  Nope.  Are the Democrats trying to marginalize the LGBTQ+ community with bullshit bills?  Nope.  Are the Democrats the ones who are trying to use CRT, Critical Race Theory, that is NOT taught at any K-12 school system in the United States as a talking point?  Nope.  Not at all.  The GOP is using our children as a human shield to get elected.  More on that later.  Lastly, are the Democrats the ones crying about a rigged election over a year after that election with no evidence and dozens of court cases lost?  Nope, that the current GOP fringe.  If you believe the election was rigged you are welcome in the GOP.  If you dont believe the election was rigged, you are liberal scum, RINO's or traitors.

So with all that what do I have to attack Democrats.  Gas prices?  economists told us in 2020 when the Pandemic was over inflation and gas prices were going to skyrocket.  Didn't matter who was president.  Demand was low during the pandemic and nobody was going anywhere.  So what else, the Keystone XL pipeline?  Even if Biden had not signed an EO to stop the pipeline it was going to be 5 years before it was fully operational.  Should I attack them on inflation?  Once again, that was caused by the pandemic so not really their fault.  Oh I know, I should attack them because they haven't gotten anything passed?  Well when you have a 50/50 senate and half of those are going to oppose ANYTHING you do and you have two of your own siding with the other party the math isn't hard to figure out there.  Should I attack them on CRT?  As I stated, CRT is not even being pushed in K-12 schools and is an elective in law school. 

So what do I have to really attack them over?   When the GOP actually has policy rather than slogans.  I will listen.  When the GOP has more than racist and bigoted policy.  I will listen.  When the GOP stops using our children as human shields and as a political prop.  I will listen.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Florida Republicans attacks on Education


So here we are with Florida and Ron DeSantis on the GAY attack.  Florida's bill HB 1557 stands to tackle an issue that really not an issue at all and while the bill doesn't explicitly say GAY we know where Ronnie and Company are going with this, while it doesn't explicitly say GAY it does reference sexual orientation and gender identity.  So Ronnie D can stop with the whole Shaggy defense.  So what does the bill talk about?  While far lefties and progressives have taken up a lot of airwaves calling it the "Don't Say Gay" bill we need to look at this bill for what it is and what it does.

Is it an attack on the LGBTQ+ community?  Absolutely it is.  The bill prohibits the teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation: “A school district may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”  So this bill attempts to solve a problem that's not even there.  There is NO elementary school in the US or Florida that is teaching kindergartners sex education.  There is no school in the US or Florida teaching kindergartners about homosexuality or transgender issues.  It just doesn't happen.  One of the right wing nut-jobs says that this bill "Gives heterosexuality a fighting chance.  It keeps gay people from turning our children gay."  That is as absurd as this bill.  People cannot be turned gay.  If anyone touches or forces a child to enter into sexual acts there are already laws on the books for this.  What this bill will do is reintroduce into society the marginalization of gay people and transgender people.  It will also introduce the FEAR of people who want to come out but feel that they cant due to society dubbing them as freaks and lesser life forms.  This bill is bigoted from start to finish.  Now, if Florida had introduced a bill saying that counselors and social workers were prohibited from discussing a child or teens discussions of LGBTQ+ topics with ANYONE but that child or teens parents or legal guardian.  I can get behind that.  But it doesn't.  It also sends a clear message to PARENTS that they don't care what you think.  They don't care if your child is gay.  They don't care if your child is transgender.  Just as long as your kid acts straight in school and does not "turn" the other kids gay.  This bill is a slap to the face of parents and it is a slap to the face of LGBTQ youth and more importantly it is a slap to the face of teachers.  Whats next?  Do we fire all gay and transgender teachers in Florida?  Oh that's right; Florida tried that in 1963 when they outed and fired all Gay and Lesbian teachers. 

Regressive governors like Ron DeSantis need to fuck off and how do we get them out?  New York and Cali are encouraging parents and LGBTQ+ youth to leave Florida and move to progressive states.  No, stay your asses right there.  Stay in Florida.  You defeat these racist and bigoted bastards at the ballot box.  Running away does nothing but allows them to continue to marginalize LGBTQ+ youth and their parents and start attacking WHATEVER ELSE they don't like.  Vote them out.  That's how you officiate change.  That's how you fight for equality, that's how you fight for parent's rights, that is how you fight for your LGBTQ+ youth, and that is how you fight for decency.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Lets Talk: Elon Musk buys into Twitter; Donald Trump, Madison Cawthorn

When it comes to Republican and right wing politics it has become less of facts and more of muddying the waters.  Elon Musk has bought 9% of Twitter which has every right winger claiming that change is coming that Twitter will now stop "canceling" conservatives.  Whoa there cowboy, its 9% a very minority share.  Although Twitters shares rose by 24% on opening its more on his name and brand rather than what he is going to do for the company.  Twitter is NOT canceling conservatives or conservative points of view.  Want Twitter to stop banning folks?  Don't say stupid shit.  I can go on Twitter and tell someone to " go fuck yourself" and not be banned.  Conservatives go on there and say "Go fuck yourself" and they get banned.  Why?  Because they follow up with some stupid shit.  That's why people get banned from Twitter.  You don't get banned from Twitter for being the shining pinnacle of humanity; you get banned for being an asshole.

Now, onto Donald Trump.  Why are the press taking this dumb shit seriously anymore?  Raise your hand if you are surprised he asked Putin for dirt on Hunter Biden?  I'm not.  Donald Trump is the epitome of the Republican party.  Right now the Republican Party their MO is say the stupidest and most god awful shit.  Then they wait for the public outcry.  If the public outcry is positive, they double and triple down on it full steam ahead.  If the public outcry is negative they back track and say they misunderstood the question, the reporter took the answer out of context, and fake news.  They do this because they have no policy.  They have no path forward.  All they have are slogans and bullshit.  The current Republican party wants power.  They don't give a damn about their constituents.  They don't give a damn how deep in debt our country goes.  That is why Donald Trump is their current messiah.  Donald Trump can get on a stage and say the most cringe-worthy shit and he gets cheered by his supporters.  The bad part about it is the GOP is so stupid that they don't know if you take any other Republican politician and let them say the EXACT same thing and get their supporters lined up behind their preferred candidate.  Then GOP politicians don't have to go into the Denny's bathroom and bitch in private about Donald Trump.  Most common sense Republicans know they aren't getting a wall.  They know 90% of what Donald Trump says is bullshit.  You only have that 10% of STRONG backing from what I call the Progressives (or should we call them The Regressive's) of the fringe right who actually believe this stuff.  Donald Trump does not hate CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, or the Washington Post.  Why should he?  These "fake news" outlets as he calls them give him millions of dollars of free advertising and campaign material.  He knows the more outrageous and cringe-worthy, the more attention they give him.  They helped him get elected.  Everyone was so "Russia helped Donald Trump" and they did on Social Media but our own mainstream media did more to help Donald Trump get elected than what the GOP did and more than what Russia did because what they put out to spark outrage had the opposite effect.  Take away the coverage and what do you have?

Now, lets get on to Madison Cawthorn.  Right now Madison is my favorite conservative.  I'm one of his constituents and I'm telling you right now, if Madison is on the ballot this November he has my vote.  Why?  Because he finally told the truth.  How do I know he told the truth?  The GOP red line did not end at insurrection.  The GOP red line did not end at that bat shit crazy lady speaking at a neo-nazi convention.  The GOP red line ended at Madison speaking up about the cocaine fueled GOP orgies.  That's when wannabe speaker McCarthy (Sorry Kevin I would rather have Marjorie Taylor Greene be speaker than YOU; you spineless, whimpering and pathetic ass) decided that the line was drawn.  That's how I know Madison was telling the truth.  I know he came out and said he was exaggerating but no I think the GOP masters that be; Spineless McCarthy and Dan Cringeshaw, were more pissed because he took that gold nugget of truth and made it public and he embarrassed them.  For that, and his deep candor alone I'm a Cawthorn superfan.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Will Russia use Nuclear Weapons? The case for war.


Russia's foreign minister was on a CNN interview where he talked about Russia's use of Nuclear arms in the Ukraine War that Putin himself started.  Now the foreign minister used a word salad trying to get around the question so let me answer the question for you.  Will Russia use Nuclear arms in the Ukraine conflict?  Yes they will.  This should be that final red line into which we should decide if the United States is EVER going to step in or are we going to let Russia just continue their brazen assault.  Make no mistake about it, if we are going to hide under our beds scared to death over MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) then what the fuck are we going to do when Russia invades more than Ukraine?  Russia goes into Poland; "If you interfere we will use our nuclear weapons!!'  Russia decides to invade England or Germany "If you interfere we will use our nuclear weapons!!!!"  Russia get a wild hair up its ass and invades the US through Alaska "If you interfere we will use our nuclear weapons!!!"  At what point do we draw the line?  Biden says, "We don't negotiate with bullies!! We stand up to them!!"  Well Mr. President, when do we stand up to them?  It is coming to the point that we will soon have no choice BUT to get involved.  War sucks.  It absolutely does and I realize that many Americans don't want to go to war right after we get out of Afghanistan and coming back from the deadliest pandemic in a century.

Biden doesn't want a World War.  I understand that.  Nobody wants World War 3.  I sure as hell don't.  But we are just delaying the inevitable.  If we do NOT stop Putin in Ukraine, we will not stop him.  It is approaching that time on whether we want to call the lunatics bluff and commune with our allies and form a defensive and offensive strategy or we just do as Donald Trump would have done and let him take all of Europe or whatever he wants to.  Those are our choices at this point.  Now, some people want to lay the blame at someones feet for Putin's invasion of Ukraine and some on the right have chosen Biden.  There is only ONE person who is to blame for this mess.  That is Vladimir Putin.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Young Turks, Kristen Sinema and Joe Manchin

Progressive politics.  Yes, they are the bane of the Democratic party.  Love them or hate them.  I love them.  I love progressive politicians.  I think lady Ocasio-Cortez is awesome.  I don't think she gets as much credit as she deserves.  She is extremely smart.  I can see why her constituents vote for her.  I like Bernie Sanders, rooted for him in the primaries of 2016.  Since I am an independent voter in my state I don't vote in primaries. I love progressives because they have such an innocent view of the world and what they feel like our country should be doing.  When you talk to progressives they are so enthusiastic about politics it really becomes contagious, at least for a little while until reality comes crashing down, the issue I have with progressives is progressive media.

Some of the people doing progressive media are morons.  Cenk Uygur, in my opinion, is the Marjorie Taylor Greene of the progressive wing.  I watch his shows and I see him on Twitter and I think.  Is this guy really this stupid?  He like Greene takes it a little too far.  Anna on the Young Turks SEEMS like she is the more reasonable and she should try and scale him back some.  Look, I agree with some progressive policies.  I believe in medicare for all, I believe in climate change and we need to work on fixing the problems so we don't leave our children poisoned and choking because of our carbon footprint.  So, while I agree with progressive policies the ONE thing I do hate is that they cant do math.

In 2020 when Joe Biden won the election.  Progressives EVERYWHERE thought they were going to get his entire agenda passed.  Do the math guys, the house is Democratic.  Anything can make it through the house.  The senate is TIED.  Its 50/50 and two democrats don't vote along party lines so its actually 48/52.  So Progressives thinking they are going to get ANYTHING in this political climate where you have 50 senators (The GOP) firmly against EVERYTHING and two wishy-washy Democrats who for better or worse give you that tie.  You will not get voting rights, you wont get Build Back Better and you wont get Medicare for all.  Its NOT going to pass.  Do the math.  If you are in a bar with 10 guys who want to kick your ass and you have ONE other person who is on your side; what do you think the outcome is going to be?  The chances are you are walking home with some damage done.  That's the way the senate stands, you have 50 guys (and girls) who want to kick your ass, you have 48 guys and girls firmly on your side and two that are going to turn on you in a second.  The numbers are not on your side.

What are the options?  elect more Democrats.  If Democrats HAD the super majority and they still didn't get anything done then absolutely Progressives and Democrats have the right to bitch.  But they don't.  Any progressive who thought just by voting for Biden and securing a tie in the senate would get their dreams achieved; they were either not paying attention or they are just as nuts as Greene, Gaetz, Boebert and Cawthorn.  The GOP doesn't need to attack Democrats.  Progressive media demoralizes Democrat supporters more than Fox News or any right-wing media ever could PERIOD.  The Young Turks, their show Damage Report and especially Cenk Uygur would rather burn it all down and turn this country into an autocracy because they don't get what they want in a senate where the numbers don't add up.  They would rather give it to Republicans where they would lose any chance at any progressive policy being passed in their lifetimes.  Instead of getting on the tubes and saying "Hey you know what, we need to get these numbers up because fuck the other side who are literally bat shit crazy at this point." and instead they say "Democrats are garbage." They discourage Democrat voter turnout more than the Republicans could with these bullshit voter laws.  Republicans win because even the batshit crazy ones who know they aren't getting a wall, they know they aren't getting gay marriage overturned and know they will not get a Muslim ban still hit the airwaves and support the Republican party.  Progressives want to complain that they get the blame.  Well if they don't start WORKING with the Democratic party, that they are supposed to be a member of, and instead help the GOP turn the United States into a dictatorship and and an autocratic hell on earth, where they would be the first ones imprisoned because of their beliefs I might add, then yes they are part of the problem and they deserve at least a majority of the blame.

When it comes to Joe Manchin, I don't blame Joe.  Literally.  Joe has never changed and is just as consistent on his views as Bernie is.  Joe Manchin has ALWAYS been a center of the road to right leaning Democrat.  He is that good old boy southern Democrat of yesteryear who works during the week and goes to the bar on Friday and shoots some pool, smokes some Marlboro's and throws back a few beers.  If you had a thought and an inkling that he was going to pass ANY kind of progressive policy you are out of your minds.  His state is red.  His governor in 2017 joined the Republican party so Joe, while frustrating, is understandable.

Kristen Sinema does not get a pass.  She ran as a progressive and ran on progressive policies and WON running on progressive policies.  So while she is serving her GOP masters she has turned on her constituents.  She supports ZERO progressive policy that comes through the Senate.  She has been caught on tape turning against her own party and voting against her own constituents best interests.  I predict before her next election Kristen will change parties.  Like Tulsi Gabbard she will become a Republican and she will still lose by ten points or more.  She will lose no matter what party she associates with because she is an opportunist.  She is a weasel.  She will go with the wind and wherever it blows.  She is wishy-washy, she is a flip flopper and she is not in there to serve the public's best interest but rather her own.  Her next election will be a blood bath and then she will be gone.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Can Democrats win the mid-terms? Do the Republicans really want to win


This November we have quite the show coming.  The mid-term elections.  Now, the next two election cycles are going to be shit shows.  There is no getting around it and right now the Democrats have just as much hope of winning as they do losing.  This has several factors, whether we devolve into a Civil War here at home or if Putin decides to nuke us.  I'm personally still praying for a giant asteroid.  But anyway, who wins; who loses? Whoever wins, we all lose.  Now I know that sounds cliche but its true.

The Democrats have need to get their eyes on the ball here and start attacking the misinformation that the GOP utilizes to enrage their followers.  CRT (Critical Race Theory) being taught in ANY K-12 school is not a thing.  Its an elective in COLLEGE where all who are participating are of legal age to decide whether they want to study it or not.  The final letter in CRT is "Theory" which means just that.  Its not a fact, its a theory and a fascinating one at that.  Parents have ALWAYS had the choice and been able to determine what their children learn in the classroom.  This has never been taken away from them.  The GOP wants you to believe you dont.  They think the ONLY thing your children need to learn is a man is a man, a woman is a woman, a woman's place is in the kitchen pregnant, god is great, and the pledge of allegiance.  Thats a mildly over simplification of it but thats the basics of it.  They dont want your children to have free thought or expression unless it fits into their dogmatic view of the world at large and thats not going to work much longer.  Things change as the graveyards start to get full.  Which means the days of Closeted, Homophobic, Xenophobic, White, and Sex crazed Republicans is coming to an end and it doesn't matter how many election laws they try to pass nor does it matter how many stupid slogans they come up with.  Republicans dont have policies that benefit their followers.  They keep them angry by telling them the world doesnt care about them.  They keep them angry by telling them that the rest of the country is teaching their kids to be gay.  They are keeping them angry by telling them that Democrats hate America.  They keep them angry by telling them Democrats hate babies and want to abort the world.  They have kept them angry the last 40 years by saying Democrats want to take their guns.  They keep them angry by telling them that they are marginalized and they keep them angry by appealing to their innermost racial tendencies and saying that we have an invasion at the southern border.  They want you to think they have the cure for everything that they deem wrong with the world.  They dont.  They want you to think they alone can fix it.  They cant.  This country was founded on the principles of balance.  Equality.  Opportunity.  That is what most of our ancestors came to America for; Opportunity.  It was not for opportunity for ourselves and nothing for the other guy.  The GOP needs to STOP covering for the angry tangerine ie Donald Trump and if they want to continue defending him, STOP CALLING YOURSELVES PATRIOTS, partisans protect and cover for a twice impeached former president.  Patriots protect a country.  The GOP needs to stop trying to make and rig elections work in their favor and instead work for their constituents.  Come up with policies and not slogans.  Come up with REAL policies that benefit the people and not their politicians and donors.  The Democrats need to do a better job calling them out on their BULLSHIT.

Now the Democrats have real problems as well.  They have the White House, they have the House and they have a tie in the senate.  Start using that.  Cant pass a reasonable bill or a popular bill? Start a website and post the names of EVERY Republican AND Democrat who kills it.  Tell the people what they wont have and what they are missing out on because that Republican or the two GOP pets wont pass it.  Democrats need to start doing what their GOP counterparts do so well.  Demonize the other side.  They need to turn it into a blood bath.  The Democrats CANNOT hope and pray that the outrage and anger over Donald Trump lasts. Outrage goes away, anger goes away unless you do like the GOP and keep it going with every news cycle.  Progressives need to stop promising things that they know they cant deliver.  No progressive with a straight face can tell me they honestly thought Medicare for all was going to pass.  They cannot with a straight face tell me they thought the Green New Deal was going to pass.  If they do they are just as nuts as the other side.  If they do they obviously cant do math.  Progressives need to align with the GOP because they do 80% of the GOP's work for them and attack the Democrats RELENTLESSLY which causes divisions among the supporters.  Progressives need to focus on reality, they need to focus on whats reasonable and they need to get MORE Democrats in the senate to negate Manchin and Sinema and make those two idiots IRRELEVANT,

The next two election cycles are important because they will determine what kind of country you want to live in.  In 2016 the GOP and Donald Trump won because they had their followers believing they were the silent majority and that motivated them and gave them NIL results to the point now the GOP and their followers are now the most vocal but they are vocal in all the wrong ways.  There truly is a new silent majority and I dont think Republicans are going to like it.  The situation in America has really become black and white.  There is no more grey area.  Do you want to support a party that tried to overthrow a free and fair election to put the loser back in power with ZERO evidence and dozens of court cases lost?  Do you want to live in an autocratic nightmare where the president can fire anyone he wants up to AND including his own Vice President?  Do you want to live in a country where a woman is told her decisions regarding her OWN body are null and void?  Do you want to live in a country where the parents of gay and trans kids can be locked up for child abuse?  Do you want to live in a country where we are allowing ourselves to be poisoned and choked out by our own carbon footprint?  Do you want to live in a country where we are technologically inferior to even our own geopolitical enemies?  DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE YOUR OWN REPRESENTATIVES AND PEOPLE YOU BASICALLY HIRE TELL YOU TO YOUR FACE THEY DONT CARE WHAT YOU WANT OR WHAT YOU THINK?  If you answered yes to any of those, then you need to vote Republican and you cant bitch when it backfires on you horribly.

The Rights Love affair with Hunter Biden

The American right has a love affair with Hunter Biden.  It is their biggest scandal yet.  Whether its his big executive position at Burisma or its accused child sex trafficking star of the house Matt Gaetz getting the laptop introduced as part of the congressional record or just some hot late night talking points on Fox News or Qanon websites.  They all love this tidbit of information.  Now, they say it shows corruption.  It does not.  They claim its a viable piece of information to get President Biden impeached.  It is not.  

No one is claiming that Hunter did not work for Burisma or didn't pay his taxes.  We all know what Hunter Biden has done.  The issue is NO ONE BUT THE RIGHT CARES.  Hunter Biden being given a position that he was woefully unqualified for is not corruption.  It shows the deeper problem that the children of the rich and powerful get treated differently because they have pull.  Hunter Biden IS NOT the first child of a politician or celebrity to get a position in a big corporation because of who his father is or to use his fathers position to get something of value.  The most recent example of this was actually Ivanka Trump.  Ivanka had trademarks in China, 41 of them in fact, that were fast tracked after her fathers election in 2016 as per this Forbes article.  They were approved 40% faster than those that she applied for BEFORE her father was president.  

Children of famous people and celebrities have always received preferential treatment OVER people who are vastly more talented and qualified for the job, it happens.  Then comes the e-mails with "the big guy" that is personally the most retarded thing I have ever heard and is the farthest thing from a there-there that I have ever seen in my life.  

Why is this story not covered as well outside of right-wing media then it should be?  Because Hunter does not work in the government, he sits on no councils, he is not involved in any committee, he is not a special envoy to the middle east and he isn't a "special advisor to the president."   As far as I know Hunter has been to the White House, what?  ONE time.  Hunter Biden is NOT the first child of a politician or celebrity to have severe personal problems either.  I personally don't car about Hunter Bidens laptop.  I don't care if Hunter Biden is having sex crazed orgies or cocaine crazed house parties as long as he isn't doing it in the White House.  

So how can Hunter Biden overcome these problems and the bad press associated with them?  Its very simple.  Hunter Biden NEEDS to become a Republican.  Register as a Republican, vote Republican and run in Republican elections.  He would become a right-wing hero if he gets up there and blasts his father and he will be right at home.  According to Madison Cawthorn the GOP has drug crazed sex parties ALL the time.  So pull up a chair Hunter.  Join Matt and Madison and snort a line or 2 off of a prostitutes breast.  I see a bright future ahead of you in Republican politics.