Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Why the Republican Party has forced me to vote Democrat

I have had several e-mails from people saying "Roberto, why aren't you going after the Democrats?  You are picking on Republicans but you say you don't affiliate with any party and you are politically offensive" That time will come but lets go ahead and talk about why the Republican Party has forced me to vote Democrat.

I have always voted more conservative than liberal.  I'm more socially liberal and fiscally conservative.  I believe women should make their own choices when it comes to their bodies and gay people should be allowed to marry and spend the rest of their lives with whomever they wish.  I believe whoever wants to own a firearm should be allowed to as long as they aren't severely mentally ill or a criminal and I believe we waste too much goddamn money.  Why do we have 6 agencies that do the same thing? I noticed the change in the GOP starting in about 2004 and it was a change I didn't like.

In 2004 I noticed some rumblings.  I started hearing crazy shit from the GOP supporters and I like most others said "Its just a fringe part of the GOP not anything to take seriously"  In 2008 it got worse.  I was fully prepared to vote for John McCain.  He was a man of integrity.  He was a man of honor and then his VP pick came along.  Bat shit crazy Sarah Palin.  Oh geez.  I didn't vote for John McCain because of Sarah Palin.  That was my deal breaker.  So I said to myself.  I don't really like Barack Obama.  His ideas were pie in the sky, unachievable, and too liberal for my blood.  But, I said at least he is sane.  So I voted for Barack and when 2012 came along I voted for Barack again and I did that because Mitt Romney is a moron.  I liked Paul Ryan but Mitt Romney IMO was trying to solve problems that just weren't there.  Voting for Mitt Romney was simply a vote because you didn't like Barack Obama.  It had nothing to do with policy, it had nothing to do where the country was headed.  It was simply a referendum on Barack.  I was happy with Obama and I voted for him, and I'm proud I voted for Obama.  Everywhere else I voted Republican.  I voted for Pat McCrory for governor of NC, I voted for Thom Tillis in NC when that election came along.  Then came 2016.  Donald J Trump.

I always said America needed to be run like a business so I had SUPER high hopes for Trump.  I said to myself "This guy will be like Ronald Reagan, its going to be great."  Donald Trump had charisma and seemed like a natural born leader.  It felt like we had someone who was going to bring about real change for the good of the country.  Then he started talking and that ended.  My hopes were crushed.  But he won, and I had known Trump was a life long Democrat so I figured oh well, when he gets into office he may side with the Democrats and that will be that.  The whole time I said Trump was a one term president.  I figured he just used the Republican party to get into office and I concluded if he got too fucking wacky the GOP would drop him.  Boy was I wrong.

Here we come to crazy town.  So, while Im not 100% on the side of liberals and progressives; right now they are simply the only party that wants to uphold the constitution and protect democracy.  Full stop.  Why am I not attacking Dems?  What have they done?  Are they the ones voting against an insulin price cap?  Nope.  The Republican party right now is asking its supporters and everyone.  You must choose.  You must choose between paying your bills or your medicine.  You must choose between food or your medicine.  Are Democrats the ones voting against decriminalizing Marijuana?  Nope.  The GOP doesn't like the idea of decriminalizing because they are worried.  They are worried that the people who get their criminal records expunged will vote Democrat.  Are the Democrats praising Putin who invaded a free people and independent country?  Nope.  Are the Democrats being plastered all over Russian TV helping spread Putins propaganda?  Nope.  Is Putin calling the Democrats partners? Nope.  Are the Democrats the ones who tried to overthrow the government on January 6, 2021 in a coup?  Nope.  Are the Democrats trying to take away voting rights and bringing bills that will hinder the right to vote?  Nope.  Are the Democrats trying to marginalize the LGBTQ+ community with bullshit bills?  Nope.  Are the Democrats the ones who are trying to use CRT, Critical Race Theory, that is NOT taught at any K-12 school system in the United States as a talking point?  Nope.  Not at all.  The GOP is using our children as a human shield to get elected.  More on that later.  Lastly, are the Democrats the ones crying about a rigged election over a year after that election with no evidence and dozens of court cases lost?  Nope, that the current GOP fringe.  If you believe the election was rigged you are welcome in the GOP.  If you dont believe the election was rigged, you are liberal scum, RINO's or traitors.

So with all that what do I have to attack Democrats.  Gas prices?  economists told us in 2020 when the Pandemic was over inflation and gas prices were going to skyrocket.  Didn't matter who was president.  Demand was low during the pandemic and nobody was going anywhere.  So what else, the Keystone XL pipeline?  Even if Biden had not signed an EO to stop the pipeline it was going to be 5 years before it was fully operational.  Should I attack them on inflation?  Once again, that was caused by the pandemic so not really their fault.  Oh I know, I should attack them because they haven't gotten anything passed?  Well when you have a 50/50 senate and half of those are going to oppose ANYTHING you do and you have two of your own siding with the other party the math isn't hard to figure out there.  Should I attack them on CRT?  As I stated, CRT is not even being pushed in K-12 schools and is an elective in law school. 

So what do I have to really attack them over?   When the GOP actually has policy rather than slogans.  I will listen.  When the GOP has more than racist and bigoted policy.  I will listen.  When the GOP stops using our children as human shields and as a political prop.  I will listen.