This November we have quite the show coming. The mid-term elections. Now, the next two election cycles are going to be shit shows. There is no getting around it and right now the Democrats have just as much hope of winning as they do losing. This has several factors, whether we devolve into a Civil War here at home or if Putin decides to nuke us. I'm personally still praying for a giant asteroid. But anyway, who wins; who loses? Whoever wins, we all lose. Now I know that sounds cliche but its true.
The Democrats have need to get their eyes on the ball here and start attacking the misinformation that the GOP utilizes to enrage their followers. CRT (Critical Race Theory) being taught in ANY K-12 school is not a thing. Its an elective in COLLEGE where all who are participating are of legal age to decide whether they want to study it or not. The final letter in CRT is "Theory" which means just that. Its not a fact, its a theory and a fascinating one at that. Parents have ALWAYS had the choice and been able to determine what their children learn in the classroom. This has never been taken away from them. The GOP wants you to believe you dont. They think the ONLY thing your children need to learn is a man is a man, a woman is a woman, a woman's place is in the kitchen pregnant, god is great, and the pledge of allegiance. Thats a mildly over simplification of it but thats the basics of it. They dont want your children to have free thought or expression unless it fits into their dogmatic view of the world at large and thats not going to work much longer. Things change as the graveyards start to get full. Which means the days of Closeted, Homophobic, Xenophobic, White, and Sex crazed Republicans is coming to an end and it doesn't matter how many election laws they try to pass nor does it matter how many stupid slogans they come up with. Republicans dont have policies that benefit their followers. They keep them angry by telling them the world doesnt care about them. They keep them angry by telling them that the rest of the country is teaching their kids to be gay. They are keeping them angry by telling them that Democrats hate America. They keep them angry by telling them Democrats hate babies and want to abort the world. They have kept them angry the last 40 years by saying Democrats want to take their guns. They keep them angry by telling them that they are marginalized and they keep them angry by appealing to their innermost racial tendencies and saying that we have an invasion at the southern border. They want you to think they have the cure for everything that they deem wrong with the world. They dont. They want you to think they alone can fix it. They cant. This country was founded on the principles of balance. Equality. Opportunity. That is what most of our ancestors came to America for; Opportunity. It was not for opportunity for ourselves and nothing for the other guy. The GOP needs to STOP covering for the angry tangerine ie Donald Trump and if they want to continue defending him, STOP CALLING YOURSELVES PATRIOTS, partisans protect and cover for a twice impeached former president. Patriots protect a country. The GOP needs to stop trying to make and rig elections work in their favor and instead work for their constituents. Come up with policies and not slogans. Come up with REAL policies that benefit the people and not their politicians and donors. The Democrats need to do a better job calling them out on their BULLSHIT.
Now the Democrats have real problems as well. They have the White House, they have the House and they have a tie in the senate. Start using that. Cant pass a reasonable bill or a popular bill? Start a website and post the names of EVERY Republican AND Democrat who kills it. Tell the people what they wont have and what they are missing out on because that Republican or the two GOP pets wont pass it. Democrats need to start doing what their GOP counterparts do so well. Demonize the other side. They need to turn it into a blood bath. The Democrats CANNOT hope and pray that the outrage and anger over Donald Trump lasts. Outrage goes away, anger goes away unless you do like the GOP and keep it going with every news cycle. Progressives need to stop promising things that they know they cant deliver. No progressive with a straight face can tell me they honestly thought Medicare for all was going to pass. They cannot with a straight face tell me they thought the Green New Deal was going to pass. If they do they are just as nuts as the other side. If they do they obviously cant do math. Progressives need to align with the GOP because they do 80% of the GOP's work for them and attack the Democrats RELENTLESSLY which causes divisions among the supporters. Progressives need to focus on reality, they need to focus on whats reasonable and they need to get MORE Democrats in the senate to negate Manchin and Sinema and make those two idiots IRRELEVANT,
The next two election cycles are important because they will determine what kind of country you want to live in. In 2016 the GOP and Donald Trump won because they had their followers believing they were the silent majority and that motivated them and gave them NIL results to the point now the GOP and their followers are now the most vocal but they are vocal in all the wrong ways. There truly is a new silent majority and I dont think Republicans are going to like it. The situation in America has really become black and white. There is no more grey area. Do you want to support a party that tried to overthrow a free and fair election to put the loser back in power with ZERO evidence and dozens of court cases lost? Do you want to live in an autocratic nightmare where the president can fire anyone he wants up to AND including his own Vice President? Do you want to live in a country where a woman is told her decisions regarding her OWN body are null and void? Do you want to live in a country where the parents of gay and trans kids can be locked up for child abuse? Do you want to live in a country where we are allowing ourselves to be poisoned and choked out by our own carbon footprint? Do you want to live in a country where we are technologically inferior to even our own geopolitical enemies? DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE YOUR OWN REPRESENTATIVES AND PEOPLE YOU BASICALLY HIRE TELL YOU TO YOUR FACE THEY DONT CARE WHAT YOU WANT OR WHAT YOU THINK? If you answered yes to any of those, then you need to vote Republican and you cant bitch when it backfires on you horribly.