Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Young Turks, Kristen Sinema and Joe Manchin

Progressive politics.  Yes, they are the bane of the Democratic party.  Love them or hate them.  I love them.  I love progressive politicians.  I think lady Ocasio-Cortez is awesome.  I don't think she gets as much credit as she deserves.  She is extremely smart.  I can see why her constituents vote for her.  I like Bernie Sanders, rooted for him in the primaries of 2016.  Since I am an independent voter in my state I don't vote in primaries. I love progressives because they have such an innocent view of the world and what they feel like our country should be doing.  When you talk to progressives they are so enthusiastic about politics it really becomes contagious, at least for a little while until reality comes crashing down, the issue I have with progressives is progressive media.

Some of the people doing progressive media are morons.  Cenk Uygur, in my opinion, is the Marjorie Taylor Greene of the progressive wing.  I watch his shows and I see him on Twitter and I think.  Is this guy really this stupid?  He like Greene takes it a little too far.  Anna on the Young Turks SEEMS like she is the more reasonable and she should try and scale him back some.  Look, I agree with some progressive policies.  I believe in medicare for all, I believe in climate change and we need to work on fixing the problems so we don't leave our children poisoned and choking because of our carbon footprint.  So, while I agree with progressive policies the ONE thing I do hate is that they cant do math.

In 2020 when Joe Biden won the election.  Progressives EVERYWHERE thought they were going to get his entire agenda passed.  Do the math guys, the house is Democratic.  Anything can make it through the house.  The senate is TIED.  Its 50/50 and two democrats don't vote along party lines so its actually 48/52.  So Progressives thinking they are going to get ANYTHING in this political climate where you have 50 senators (The GOP) firmly against EVERYTHING and two wishy-washy Democrats who for better or worse give you that tie.  You will not get voting rights, you wont get Build Back Better and you wont get Medicare for all.  Its NOT going to pass.  Do the math.  If you are in a bar with 10 guys who want to kick your ass and you have ONE other person who is on your side; what do you think the outcome is going to be?  The chances are you are walking home with some damage done.  That's the way the senate stands, you have 50 guys (and girls) who want to kick your ass, you have 48 guys and girls firmly on your side and two that are going to turn on you in a second.  The numbers are not on your side.

What are the options?  elect more Democrats.  If Democrats HAD the super majority and they still didn't get anything done then absolutely Progressives and Democrats have the right to bitch.  But they don't.  Any progressive who thought just by voting for Biden and securing a tie in the senate would get their dreams achieved; they were either not paying attention or they are just as nuts as Greene, Gaetz, Boebert and Cawthorn.  The GOP doesn't need to attack Democrats.  Progressive media demoralizes Democrat supporters more than Fox News or any right-wing media ever could PERIOD.  The Young Turks, their show Damage Report and especially Cenk Uygur would rather burn it all down and turn this country into an autocracy because they don't get what they want in a senate where the numbers don't add up.  They would rather give it to Republicans where they would lose any chance at any progressive policy being passed in their lifetimes.  Instead of getting on the tubes and saying "Hey you know what, we need to get these numbers up because fuck the other side who are literally bat shit crazy at this point." and instead they say "Democrats are garbage." They discourage Democrat voter turnout more than the Republicans could with these bullshit voter laws.  Republicans win because even the batshit crazy ones who know they aren't getting a wall, they know they aren't getting gay marriage overturned and know they will not get a Muslim ban still hit the airwaves and support the Republican party.  Progressives want to complain that they get the blame.  Well if they don't start WORKING with the Democratic party, that they are supposed to be a member of, and instead help the GOP turn the United States into a dictatorship and and an autocratic hell on earth, where they would be the first ones imprisoned because of their beliefs I might add, then yes they are part of the problem and they deserve at least a majority of the blame.

When it comes to Joe Manchin, I don't blame Joe.  Literally.  Joe has never changed and is just as consistent on his views as Bernie is.  Joe Manchin has ALWAYS been a center of the road to right leaning Democrat.  He is that good old boy southern Democrat of yesteryear who works during the week and goes to the bar on Friday and shoots some pool, smokes some Marlboro's and throws back a few beers.  If you had a thought and an inkling that he was going to pass ANY kind of progressive policy you are out of your minds.  His state is red.  His governor in 2017 joined the Republican party so Joe, while frustrating, is understandable.

Kristen Sinema does not get a pass.  She ran as a progressive and ran on progressive policies and WON running on progressive policies.  So while she is serving her GOP masters she has turned on her constituents.  She supports ZERO progressive policy that comes through the Senate.  She has been caught on tape turning against her own party and voting against her own constituents best interests.  I predict before her next election Kristen will change parties.  Like Tulsi Gabbard she will become a Republican and she will still lose by ten points or more.  She will lose no matter what party she associates with because she is an opportunist.  She is a weasel.  She will go with the wind and wherever it blows.  She is wishy-washy, she is a flip flopper and she is not in there to serve the public's best interest but rather her own.  Her next election will be a blood bath and then she will be gone.